2 min readApr 19, 2021


Is Digital Detox by self-restriction possible?

While offering innumerable advantages, technology also poses a few concerns that can be especially harmful despite being in our own control. Advancement and increasing application of online technology and its related dimensions like social media, e-marketing, entertainment, etc. culminated in the last year when the world was physically shut down due to the Covid-19 concerns; in turn, propelling people further into the digital world. This was also evident in my case, since I clearly remember how online technologies became crucial in my life, despite not being a particular fan of it. Not only did my academia majorly shift into the digital space in the course of this last year, I myself was also engrossed in social media like never before. I remember how my friends and I had decided to have a group video call at least every alternate day since we had no scope to meet up outdoors. While connecting with friends and family during those months of digital reliance was a positive use of the internet, I also started relying heavily on it for entertainment. What was physical exercise with sports and jogging, had essentially turned into online games and binge watching. Despite becoming concerned, especially in the last few months after the comparative settling down of pandemic fears, I presently find it extremely difficult to rid myself of the reliance on technology and digital space.

Interestingly, this week’s discussion in ci2312 course also emphasised this concern of online technology; highlighting the importance of balanced use that also included the occasional detox from the digital world. Sam (2016) from the course reading highlighted the various patterns of habit formation with the use of different apps, while Chen (2020) elaborated how screen time can be harmful especially when we are over-exposed to it. In a related note, Ghaffary (2019) reflected the opinion of the other authors to highlight the importance of digital detox, and how it can be actually achieved. It is of vital importance to restrict our use of different apps; though I personally found the measures of shifting to a simpler phone or turning it off difficult. Instead, I tried limiting my time on the different apps by self-restriction. While it was definitely hard in the initial days, I have successfully restricted my use of social media and binge watching. I started muting the social media apps through the whole day, restricting specific times when I surfed through it. Similarly, I also scheduled an hour for my favourite show on the digital platforms, while also ensuring that I limit myself to just one episode. With a few weeks of endeavour, this not only highlighted how much time I was wasting every single day, but it also helped me reform my digital habits; ensuring a digital detox.

